Friday, 28 October 2016

What is Mudra Bank

What is Mudra Bank?

  • MUDRA means Micro Units Development and Refinance Agency(known as the MUDRA bank) 
  • Mudra bank is being set up through a statutory enactment and will be responsible for developing and refinancing through a Pradhan Mantri Mudra Yojna.
  • It is first set up as a subsidiary of the Small Industries Develpoment Bank of India(SIDBI). It will later be converted into full-fledged bank through an act of the parliament.
  • MUDRA Bank is a public sector financial institution in India, It provides loan at low rates to small entrepreneurs.


  • It was launched in 8th April 2015 with the objective of regulating micro and small enterprise financing business, and supporting them particularly those members who belongs from scheduled castes and scheduled tribes. 
  • MUDRA Bank will also register MFIs(Micro Finance Institutions) and will be responsible for accreditation and rating of MFI. 
  • It will also make proper last mile practices to be followed by MFI to provide proper client protection and to prevent from indebtedness.


  • The finance ministry said measures to be taken up by the MUDRA are targeted mainly on young, educated or skilled workers and entrepreneurs including women entrepreneurs.
  • Basically small entrepreneurs and small businessman are often cut from banking system because of limited branch presence, so MUDRA bank will partner with local coordinators and provide finance to small and micro businesses

    • The bank will be set up with the initial corpus of Rs 20000 cr and a credit guarantee corpus of Rs 3000cr.
    • The bank have categorized the amount of loan to be given in three different categories-
    • SHISHU- This is the first stage and in it the loan will be given for upto 50000 Rs.
    • KISHOR- In the second stage a loan amount will be ranging from 50,000 to Rs 5 lakh.
    • TARUN- This is last category which will provide upto Rs 10 lakh.
    • The bank will cater to 5.77 crore small business units that spread all across India who currently find it difficult to access credit from the regular banking system.
    • According to Mr NARENDRA MODI the bank would help over 6 cr families out of which 65% of them belongs to scheduled caste and scheduled tribes.

Banking Terms for Bank Exams

In general awareness section of IBPS exam, there are atleast 3-4 four questions asked from banking terminology. I have compiled the list of banking abbreviations for general awareness section of IBPS exams. Read and learn them thoroughly, atleast 2 question must be asked in IBPS PO and clerk exam.

  1. ADR - American Depository Receipt
  2. AGM - Annual General Meeting
  3. AIRCSC - All India Rural Credit Survey Committee
  4. AFS - Available For Sale
  5. AMFI- Association of Mutual Fund in India
  6. ASSOCHAM - Associated Chambers of Commerce and Industry of India
  7. ATM - Automated Teller Machine
  8. ALM- Asset Liability Management
  9. BSBDA - Basic Savings Bank Deposit Account
  10. BIS - Bank for International Settlements
  11. BoP - Balance of Payments
  12. CAD - Capital Account Deficit
  13. CAG - Controller and Auditor General of India
  14. CAMELS- Capital Adequacy, Asset Quality, Management, Earnings, Liquidity, Systems & Controls
  15. CBS- Consolidated Banking Statistics
  16. CEPA- Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement
  17. CC - Cash Credit
  18. CD - Certificate of Deposit
  19. CECA - Comprehensive Economic Cooperation Agreement
  20. CF - Company Finance
  21. CII - Confederation of Indian Industries
  22. CP - Commercial Paper
  23. CPI - Consumer Price Index
  24. CCEA – Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs
  25. CR - Capital Receipts
  26. CRR - Cash Reserve Ratio
  27. CRAR- Capital to Risk-weighted Assets Ratio
  28. CSIR- Council of Scientific and Industrial Research
  29. CSO- Central Statistical Organisation
  30. CBS: Core Banking Solution
  31. DBOD - Department of Banking Operations and Development
  32. DBS - Department of Banking Supervision, RBI
  33. DCA - Department of Company Affairs
  34. DTC- Direct Tax Code
  35. DCCB- District Central Cooperative Bank
  36. DCM- Department of Currency Management, RB
  37. DTAA-  Double Taxation Avoidance Agreement
  38. DD- Demand Draft
  39. DEAF- Depositor Education and Awareness Fund
  40. DDS- Data Dissemination Standards
  41. DICGC- Deposit Insurance and Credit Guarantee Corporation of India
  42. EEFC- Exchange Earner's Foreign Currency
  43. ECGC- Export Credit and Guarantee Corporation
  44. ECS- Electronic Clearing Scheme
  45. EEA- Exchange Equalization Account
  46. EPF- Employees Provident Fund
  47. EEFC- Exchange Earner's Foreign Currency
  48. ECBs- External Commercial Borrowings
  49. FIPB- Foreign Investment Promotion board
  50. FDI- Foreign Direct Investment
  51. FSLRC- Financial Sector Legislative Reforms Commission
  52. FEMA- Foreign Exchange Management Act
  53. FII- Foreign Institutional Investor
  54. FRBMA- Fiscal Responsibility and Budget Management Act
  55. FTA- Free trade agreement
  56. FINO- Financial Inclusion Network Operation
  57. FCNR(B)- Foreign Currency Non-Resident Bank
  58. FEMA- Foreign Exchange Management Act
  59. EFSF- European Financial Stability Facility
  60. FICCI- Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry
  61. FII- Foreign Institutional Investor
  62. FPI- Foreign Portfolio Investment
  63. FSLRC- Financial Sector Legislative Reforms Commission
  64. GDP- Gross Domestic Product
  65. GDR- Global Depository Receipt
  66. GFD - Gross Fiscal Deficit
  67. GIC - General Insurance Corporation
  68. GAAR - General anti avoidance rule
  69. GPD - Gross Primary Deficit
  70. GIRO - Government Internal Revenue Order
  71. HDFC - Housing Development Finance Corporation
  72. HFT - Held For Trading
  73. IBS - International Banking Statistics
  74. ICAR - Indian Council of Agricultural Research
  75. ICICI - Industrial Credit and Investment Corporation of India
  76. ICMR - Indian Council of Medical Research
  77. IDBI - Industrial Development Bank of India
  78. IFC - International Finance Corporation
  79. ITEs: Intra-Group Transactions and Exposures
  80. IFCI - Industrial Finance Corporation of India
  81. IIP - Index of Industrial Production
  82. IMF - International Monetary Fund
  83. IRBI - Industrial Reconstruction Bank of India
  84. ISDA - International Swaps and Derivative Association
  85. ISIC - International Standard Industrial Classification
  86. ISO - International Standards Organization
  87. LBS - Locational Banking Statistics
  88.  LIBOR: London Inter-Bank Offer Rate
  89. LERMS - Liberalised Exchange Rate Management System
  90. LIC - Life Insurance Corporation of India
  91. LCR: Liquidity Coverage Ratio
  92. LRMT: Liquidity risk monitoring tools
  93. LAF – Liquidity Adjustment Facility
  94. MCA - Ministry of Company Affairs
  95. MSF-Marginal Standing Facility
  96.  MIBOR: Mumbai Inter-Bank Offer Rate
  97. MIS - Management Information System
  98. MMSE - Minimum Mean Squared Errors
  99. NABARD - National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development
  100. NASSCOM - National Association of Software and Services Companies
  101. NCTC - National Counter-Terrorism Centre
  102. NBFC-Non Banking Finance Companies
  103. NBC - Non-Banking Companies
  104. NEFT - National Electronic Funds Transfer
  105. NBFC - Non Banking Financial Companies
  106. NEER - Nominal Effective Exchange Rate
  107. NFA - Non-Foreign Exchange Assets
  108. NSFR: Net Stable Funding Ratio
  109. NGO - Non-Governmental Organization
  110. NHB - National Housing Bank
  111. NSG – Nuclear Suppliers Group
  112. NPA - Non-Performing Assets
  113. NSC - National Statistical Commission
  114. NSSF - National Small Savings Fund
  115. OD - Over Draft
  116. ODA - Official Development Assistance
  117. OMO - Open Market Operations
  118. PACS - Primary Agriculture Credit Societies
  119. PDAI - Primary Dealers Association of India
  120. PDO - Public Debt Office
  121. PIO - Persons of Indian Origin
  122. PO - Principal Office
  123. PRB - Primary Revenue Balance
  124. PSE - Public Sector Enterprises
  125. PUC - Paid Up Capital
  126. PPP – Public Private Partnership & Purchasing Power parity
  127. QFI -Qualified Foreign Investors
  128. RD - Revenue Deficit
  129. RDBMS - Relational Database Management
  130. RTGS - Real Time Gross Settlement System
  131. RE - Revenue Expenditure
  132. REC - Rural Electrification Corporation
  133. REER - Real Effective Exchange Rate
  134. RIDF - Rural Infrastructure Development Fund
  135. RoC - Registrars of Companies SLR-Statutory Liquidity Ratio
  136. RR - Revenue Receipts
  137. RRB - Regional Rural Bank
  138. RTP - Reserve Tranche Position
  139. RWA - Risk Weighted Asset
  140. SAS - Statistical Analysis System
  141. SCARDB - State Cooperative Agriculture and Rural Development Bank
  142. SWIFT: Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication
  143. SCB - State Cooperative Bank
  144. SCB - Scheduled Commercial Bank
  145. SDDS -Special Data Dissemination Standards
  146. SDR - Special Drawing Right
  147. SEBI - Securities and Exchange Board of India
  148. SIFI - Systemically Important Financial Intermediaries
  149. SEBs - State Electricity Boards
  150. SGSY - Swarnajayanthi Gram Swarrojgar Yojana
  151. SHGs - Self-Help Groups
  152. SIDBI - Small Industries Development Bank of India
  153. SIDC - State Industrial Development Corporation
  154. SJSRY - Swarna Jayanti Shahari Rojgar Yojana
  155. SLR - Statutory Liquidity Ratio
  156. SMG - Standing Monitoring Group
  157. SNA - System of National Accounts
  158. SRWTO - Small road & Water Transport Operators
  159. SSI - Small-Scale Industries
  160. STRIPS - Separate Trading for Registered Interest and Principal of Securities
  161. TB - Treasury Bills
  162. TARC - Tax Administration Reform Commission
  163. TC - Temporary Change
  164. TT - Telegraphic Transfer
  165. TAPI - Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan-India
  166. TFTS - Trade for Trade Settlement
  167. TIEA – Tax Information exchange Agreement
  168. UCB - Urban Cooperative Bank
  169. UCN - Uniform Code Number
  170. UNDP - United Nations Developement Programme
  171. UNICO - Umbrella Organisation for Large Cooperative Banks in Europe
  172. UNDP - United Nations Development Programme
  173. UNIDO - United Nations Industrial Development Organisation
  174. UNME - Urban Non-Manual Employees
  175. UTI - Unit Trust of India
  176. VC - Venture Capital
  177. WPI - Wholesale Price Index
  178. WTO - World Trade Organisation
  179. Y-o-Y - Year-on-Year
  180. YTM - Yield to Maturity
  181. ZTC - Zonal Training Centree

GK Questions Asked in BOM Manipal PO 2016 Exam - 28.10.2016 (1st Shift)

Ques 1. Which is the umbrella organization for all retail payments system in India?
Ans: National Payments Corporation of India (NPCI )

Ques 2. Which Bank introduced India's first robotic locker facility “Smart Vault”?
Ans: ICICI Bank

Ques 3. “Apka Bhala and Sabki Bhalayi” is the tagline of which bank?
Ans: Bandhan Bank

Ques 4. Where the Patagonian desert is located?
Ans: South America

Ques 5. Which day is celebrated as World Food Day?
Ans: 16th October

Ques 6. What is the theme of the 2016 International Day of Democracy?
Ans: Democracy and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development

Ques 7. Gurudongmar Lake is located in which state of India?
Ans: Sikkim

Ques 8. Kakrapar Dam is located in which state of India?
Ans: Gujarat

Ques 9. Which is the India's first credit rating agency, incorporated in 1987
Ans: CRISIL (Credit Rating Information Services of India Limited)

Ques 10. What was the designation of Dr Urjit Patel before his appointment as Governor of RBI? Ans: Deputy Governor of RBI

Ques 11. BARAK 8 missile was developed by India in collaboration with which country?
Ans: Israel

Ques 12. What is the full form of FSB?
Ans: Financial Stability Board

Ques 13. The 17th Summit of the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) held in-
Ans: Venezuela

Ques 14. What is the currency of Denmark?
Ans: Krone

Ques 15. Who subsidized MUDRA?

Ques 16. Which is the highest loan limit (Tarun) of Mudra Bank?
Ans: 10 lakhs

Ques 17. What is the share of State Government in the capital of RRB?
Ans: 15%

Ques 18. ICRA Ltd. (formerly Investment Information and Credit Rating Agency of India Ltd.) was established and promoted by which organization?
Ans: Industrial Finance Corporation of India ( IFCI)

Ques 19. Where is the headquarter of JP Morgan Chase located?
Ans: USA

Ques 20. “At the Close of Play” is an autobiography of which cricket player?
Ans: Ricky Pointing

Ques 21. Last six digit of IFSC need to identify of __________.
Ans: Bank Branch

Ques 22. In SMFS first “S” stands for?
Ans: Structured (SMFS = Structured Financial Messaging System)

Ques 23. Lisbon is capital of which country?
Ans: Portugal

Ques 24. DEAF (Depositor Education and Awareness Fund) fund associated with which act?
Ans: Banking Regulation Act, 1949

Ques 25. ECGC is funded by?
Ans: Govt. of India

Ques 26. Where is the head quarter of Bandhan Bank situated?
Ans: Kolkata, West Bengal

Ques 27. Where is the head quarter of Indian Bank situated?
Ans: Chennai

Ques 28. In UPI, “I” stands for?
Ans: Interface (UPI = Unified Payments Interface)

Ques 29. If a cheque is torn into two or more pieces such cheque is called as?
Ans: Mutilated Cheque

Ques 30. What would be the benefits under the PMJJBY (Pradhan Mantri Jeevan Jyoti Bima Yojana) scheme and premium payable?
Ans: Rs.2 lakh is payable on a subscriber’s death due to any cause. The premium payable is Rs.330/- per annum per subscriber.
