Friday 21 October 2016

Phrasal Verbs: Generally Confusing: Part 1

Phrasal words are generally very confusing and the single addition of suffix completely changes the meaning of the sentence. So we must learn the meaning of various phrasal verbs through practice. One must use them in daily routine to memorise them. Here we are going to give you some very commonly used phrasal verbs keeping in mind English section of various exam patterns.

1. Act

a. Act on = Take action: The police acted on the complaint.
b. Act out = Demonstrate something with gestures and actions: She acted out a movie scene in the class.
c. Act up = Cause pain or annoyance by performing badly: My knee is acting up badly.

2. Answer

a. Answer back = Reply rudely: He answered back his father.
b. Answer for = Someone responsible for something: She has to answer for her son's misbehaviour.
c. Answer to = Responsible to be controlled by someone: He answers to the general manager of the company.

3. Ask

a. Ask after = Enquire about something: My father was asking after your health.
b. Ask around = Describe it to people someone see: I will ask around and try to find your lost dog.
c. Ask in = Invite someone to come: I asked her in because she was standing out in cold night.

4. Back

a. Back away = Move backwards in fear or dislike: When he saw the lion he backed away.
b. Back down = Withdraw: They withdrew their plan to go on a strike.
c. Back out = Withdraw from agreement: The backed out from the deal.

5. Bear

a. Bear out = Confirm: The other witness will bear out my will.
b. Bear with = Be patient: He could not bear with his quarrelsome wife.
c. Bear upon = To affect: Will the new law bear upon the producers?

6. Break

a. Break away = Escape from captivity: Four prisoners broke away last night.
b. Break down = Go out of order: The machine broke down and the work stopped.
c. Break into = Enter by force: Two robbers broke into the house last week.

7. Bring

a. Bring off = Succeed in some task: Being a journalist, she has brought off many social issues to light.
b. Bring up = Raise the child: She has brought up her children well.
c. Bring Down = To defeat or overcome: The failure of the rally will bring the government down.

8. Call

a. Call back = Return a phone call: He called me back after an hour.
b. Call off = Cancel: Due to deteriorating health, he called off his plan to go for a trip.
c. Call upon = Formally invite: He called upon the principal to address the assembly.

9. Carry

a. Carry on = Continue: The workers carried on their work even in heavy rain.
b. Carry out = To do something as specified: The plan was carried our perfectly.
c. Carry over = Postpone: They carried over the plan of picnic due to unfavourable weather conditions.

10. Come

a. Come across = Find by chance: Mr. John came across some important information while reading the file.
b. Come forward = Present oneself: Many students came forward to help the needy child.
c. Come up with = Produce a plan or idea: All the employees should come up with new ideas for the improvement of the office.

11. Do

a. Do away with = To get rid off: The people want to do away with the cruel monarch.
b. Do over = Clean: We need to do over our home as the festive season is coming.
c. Do without = Manage without: You have to do without your notebooks now.

12. Drop

a. Drop behind = Fall into a position behind others: The market demand of our products is dropping behind.
b. Drop in = Visit: He drops in to meet his friends often.
c. Drop off = Deliver something or someone: He dropped me off at the railway station.

13. End

a. End in = Finish in a certain way: His plans ended in smoke.
b. End up = Finally reach a state or position: He ended up as a bankrupt due to his extravagant nature.
c. End of = A final statement or concluding remark: His decision was the end of the discussion.

14. Fall

a. Fall apart = Disintegrate: My car is too old and it is falling apart.
b. Fall behind = Fail to maintain: She is falling behind in school.
c. Fall through = fail or not happened: Our trip fell through because of the storm.

15. Fire

a. Fire away = Ask questions quickly: He fired away the questions at the minister.
b. Fire back = Shoot back: The guard fired back at the thief.
c. Fire up = To start: He fired up the computer in hurry.

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