Saturday 29 October 2016

Seating Arrangement: Square Table Facing Inside Outside

Direction (1-6) Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below:
There are eight persons viz. D, E, R, N, P, T, V and A sitting around a square table. They have a different professions viz. Engineer, Army, Teacher, Pilot, Artist, Doctor, Politician and Player but not

necessarily in the same order. Four of them sit on the middle of the four sides while four of them sit on the four corners of the square table. All persons who sit at the four corners are facing towards the centre except one, while those who sit in the middle of the sides are facing outward the centre except one. T is neither Politician nor a Pilot. E is immediate left of the Player. N is not facing towards the centre. Army and Engineer are the neighbours of Doctor. D is a Teacher but not facing towards the centre. The Politician is the neighbour of both E and Army. Doctor is not facing towards the centre. R and A are facing each other but none of them is at middle of the sides. The Player is facing towards the centre but not sit at the middle of the any side of the table. E sits second to the right of P, who is Army. Z is not the neighbour of either E or P and sits second to the right of N.V is between Artist and teacher.

1. Who among the following is a Pilot?
1. T
2. N
3. R
4. D
5. Z

2. Who among the following sits exactly between the Player and Politician?
1. E
2. Teacher
3. P
4. Both 1) and 2)
5. Artist

3. The profession of N is 
1. Artist
2. Pilot
3. Doctor
4. Teacher
5. Player

4. How many person (s) sit (s) between V and the Doctor?
1. None 
2. Three
3. Two
4. One
5. Other than the given options

5. Four of the following five are alike in a certain way, Find the odd man out?
1. ZT
2. PR
3. VE
4. ZD
5. RE

6. Which of the following is correctly matched?
1. Z-Engineer
2. N-Army
3. E-Artist
4. V-Pilot
5. T-Doctor


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