Monday 10 October 2016

Reasoning Twisted Ones for IBPS/BOM Exams

Dear Readers,
This year we've observed major changes in Banking examination's pattern and level. Reasoning especially has surprised many students in SBI Exams as it came packed with a punch. And as not many days are left for IBPS PO there comes a need to step up the level of preparation as well. 

And to meet the need of the hour, here we give you Twisted Ones of Reasoning.
Directions (1-5): Study the following passage and the arguments bellow it carefully and answer the questions:
Jio is a big shot at reducing the cost of Internet access in India. The U.S., despite being the richest country in the world, lags far behind in terms of cost and penetration of Internet access. Cheap access to the Internet is an important step in bridging the access gap – access to good education, good healthcare, etc. But the market reaction to Jio is similar to the U.S. market’s reaction to firms announcing their intention to diversify.
(A) The first obvious winners of this scheme are customers.
(B)The second winner is Mr. Ambani; he can potentially make a lasting impact as the man who brought Internet to millions of Indians.
(C) On losing end, the first groups of losers are the shareholders of other telecom companies.
(D)The second loser is the Government of India. The big money the Indian Government was raking in selling cellular bandwidth was actually coming from the pockets of the cellular consumers.
(E) The large amount of revenue the Government of India gets from auctioning off the nation’s natural resources is not necessarily a good thing because the Government does not have a stellar track record when it comes to spending the money. A large fraction of Government spending is wasted.
(F) The final group of losers is the current shareholders of RIL. On announcement of Jio, the stock price of RIL fell.
(G) It shows that the market’s short-term reaction is usually proven correct in the long-run.
Q1. Which among the given arguments weakens the fact that the release of JIO Scheme is beneficial for customers?(a) only A (b) Only D
(c) Both D and F
(d) Only G
(e) None of the above
Q2. Which of the following supports the decision of other companies opposing Reliance JIO Scheme?(a) Only B
(b) Only A
(c) Only F
(d) Only C
(e) Both C and D
Q3. Which of the following can be a reason behind such low prices of the JIO Scheme?(a) Both A and E
(b) Both A and C
(c) Only G
(d) Only E
(e) None of the above
Q4. Which among the given arguments is an inference from the passage?(a) Only G
(b) Only F
(c) Both F and G
(d) Only E
(e) Only A
Q5. Which among the given arguments is a probable cause for people supporting JIO Scheme?(a) Only A
(b) Only B
(c) All four A, C, D and E
(d) Both A and E
(e) None of the above
Directions (6-10): Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below:P, Q, R S, T, U and V are seven members of a family. There are two Painters, two CEOs, one Doctor, one Engineer and one Blogger in the family. There are two married couples in the family.
S is a Blogger and is married to a CEO. No female member of the family is a Blogger. R, who is a Painter, is married to P, who is a CEO. Both the Painters are females. V is married to S. Q is paternal aunt of T, who is granddaughter of the Blogger. U is the son of the male CEO and has one sister. One male person in the family is a Doctor. Neither Q nor U is a Painter.
Q6. How many male members are there in the family? (a) One
(b) Two
(c) Three
(d) Four
(e) None of the above 
Q7. Which of the following combinations is true? (a) Q – Male – Painter
(b) S – Male – Blogger
(c) T – Female – Painter
(d) Only (b) and (c) are true
(e)None of the above
Q8.Who among the following is mother of T? (a) R
(b) V
(c) Q
(d) P
(e)None of the above
Q9. Who among the following is an Engineer? (a) R
(b) Q
(c) U
(d) T
(e)None of the above
Q10. How is V related to U? (a) Mother
(b) Grandfather
(c) Grandmother
(d) Can’t be determined
(e) None of the above
Directions (11-15): Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below: Seven persons P, Q, R, S, T, U and V live in a seven-storey building. The bottom floor is numbered 1 and the floor above it is numbered 2 and so on, the topmost floor is numbered 7. All the persons are working with different company, viz Tech Mahindra, Cognizant, LG, TCS, Infosys, Convergys and HCL but not necessarily in the same order.
R lives on the third floor but does not work with Tech Mahindra shop. Q does not work with Cognizant. The one who works with HCL lives immediately below the person who works with TCS.U works with LG but he does not live on an even-numbered floor. The floor on which P lives is immediately above the floor on which Q lives. P does not work with Tech Mahindra shop. The one who works with Convergys lives immediately below the one who works with Cognizant. S lives on floor number 6. Neither P nor T works with Infosys. V works with TCS and lives on the topmost floor. The one who works with Tech Mahindra does not live above the person who works with Cognizant.
Q11. Who among the following lives on the first floor?(a) The one who works with Infosys
(b) The one who works with LG
(c) The one who works with Cognizant
(d) Can’t be determined
(e) None of the above
Q12. T works at which of the following company?(a) Infosys
(b) Cognizant
(c) Tech Mahindra
(d) Convergys
(e) None of the above 
Q13. Who among the following lives just below the one who works with Convergys?(a) R
(b) T
(c) U
(d) P
(e) None of the above 
Q14. How many persons live between the one who works in LG and the one who works in Cognizant?(a) None
(b) Two
(c) Three
(d) One
(e) None of the above
Q15. Who lives below the one who works in LG?(a) P
(b) T
(c) U
(d) S
(e) None of the above
S1. Ans.(e)
Sol. None of the given argument weakens the fact that the release of JIO Scheme is beneficial for customers.
S2. Ans.(e)
Sol. As the arguments D and C states that other companies are on the losing end with this scheme, it is the only appropriate answer to this question.
S3. Ans.(e)
Sol. None of the given argument relates with the reason behind low prices of JIO Scheme.
S4. Ans.(a)
Sol. Only G is the inference we can draw from the passage, rest depicts its effects.
S5. Ans.(a)
Sol. Only A is the probable cause for people supporting JIO Scheme.

S6. Ans.(c)
S7. Ans.(d)
S8. Ans.(a)
S9. Ans.(b)
S10. Ans.(c)
Tech Mahindra

S11. Ans.(b)
S12. Ans.(c)
S13. Ans.(a)
S14. Ans.(c)
S15. Ans.(e)
Sol. The one who works in LG lives in the bottom most floor.

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